Tag: gul

En gammel brunporesvamp

Brunporesvampen, en af de rigtig gode farvesvampe i den danske natur,  gror på dødt træ, eller parasitisk på levende træers rødder. Den gror samme sted år efter år, og sætter nye fruglegemer hvert år, så man finder tit indtørrede svampe fra året før ved siden af de friske eksemplarer, der er i gang med at […]

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Reed Flowers

Reed flowers are in season! I took the photo above on a beautiful August day at the lake. The sound of the wind through the reeds is positively mind-cleansing, which apparently I’m not the only one to think, judging by the number of YouTube videos of just that phenomenon. So now you too can enjoy […]

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Nogle gange, når jeg læser noget men ikke helt fatter betydningen af et enkelt, vigtigt ord, så er det som om min hjerne bare springer hele emnet over. For nogen tid siden, da jeg ledte efter oplysninger om lav-arten Xanthoria parietina og dens pigment, parietin, stødte jeg på oplysninger om skræppe-familien. Dette er hvad jeg […]

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Summer Days Dyeing

Summer finally came roaring with several days of temperatures around 30C (yea, hot for Denmark!). We’ve been outside almost all the time, except the times I’ve had to go into the house and check my dye pot on the stove. Our garden is wonderful right now, the highlights are Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus, studenternellike in […]

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Bilskirner, the Final Prototypes

I’ve finally completed my prototypes for a child and adult version of the hat that I’ve decided to call Bilskirner. The design changed a bit since the first prototype… My family was not impressed with the rib edge on the first prototype, so my hands were tied. I had to make a garter edge in […]

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Wild Chervil and Intentionally Wild

The other day, we went for a walk along the road, and found wild chervil, also known as cow parsley, poetically as Queen Anne’s lace, and systematically as Anthriscus sylvestris. It was growing bountifully there, so it’s certainly lucky that I have such a good little helper for these tasks: I picked 180 g of stalks […]

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Bilskirner Hat Prototype

I dyed this gradient a while ago, using madder and tansy, and the plan was initially a Bohus-style hat. But the yarn kept talking to me, and it said that it wanted something with much cleaner lines… So I knit a hat with a very simple pattern of squares on a white background. Simple geometric, […]

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A Gradient in Madder and Tansy

I love color gradients! They somehow make the colors pop in a different way! Some of the individual colors in my gradient hat were not remotely exciting, but together, it’s another story. I kept imagining a warm gradient, from red to yellow. Sometimes such daydreams stay just that, but with this, I have come incredibly […]

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An Experiment in Cold Mordanting

Recently, I have wondered how much it is really necessary to heat wool when you mordant it. To the usual 80-90C? Or would 60C be enough? (Yes I wondered about that because I ruined some yarn, and I think I overheated it!) So I turned to the knowledgeable people on Ravelry’s natural dyeing forum for […]

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Jeg er helt optaget af at strikke huer for tiden! Så snart denne hue var færdig var den næste på pindene. Mønsteret, “hue 1” fra Nordiske Masker af Lone Gissel og Tine Rousing, får min hjerne til at svirre med den ene farvesammensætning efter den anden. Jeg har snydt en smule og ikke kun brugt […]

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